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  • 3Steps


What does it mean to be an EMPOWERED WOMAN? When you hear "I am an Empower Woman!" how does this feel in your body? This online program is empowering you to lead with your body - YOUR true power source....allowing it to guide you in ALL of your decisions....this course contains 5-10 minute videos that include guided modalities that you can use to lead you in your own life..... Living as an EMPOWERED woman allows you to cultivate experiences from your body. Most of us grew up disconnected from our body living in our mind only when truly they are supposed to work as a team! YOUR main power source is YOU and that stems from your body! This is a 5 day module course that you can take at anytime when it is convenient for you! Includes 4 days of embodiment work & education and 1 BONUS activity & education prompts!!!! 1 day BONUS of educating & cultivating your intuition *This program assists you with * -Education on the 4 pillars of Embodiment -Getting more Intune with your body -Dropping in to more present moments -Connecting the mind/body to work together -Guiding you back to your body & intuition to make the best decisions for your life -The use of very simple & easy hands on modalities to help you cope better with stressors in your life, and empower you to use when you need as you go throughout your day -Using your body as a power source -Allowing you to tap into and embody your truest self -Gain autonomy that allows you to feel safe & make the right decisions for your life

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